
Welcome to "The Podiatry Blog"

This blog is run by the "Foot And Ankle Wellness Center" (A podiatry clinic in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). For information on our practice and what we do, please visit our website: Enjoy our posts!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Keeping Feet Fit! Are Your Feet Ready for Spring?

It's no secret that most of us don't find it necessary to pay attention to our feet, until they hurt. If you want to prepare your feet for the outdoor activities that the spring and summer months hold and avoid likely injuries to your feet, you must "Get to know your feet."

Common injuries that pop up around this time every year are:

Achilles Tendonitis (Running, Walking, Jogging)

Plantar Fasciitis (Commonly caused by running in improper footwear)

Another injury to protect against are infections of the foot. Lacerations, punctures, or insect bites from walking outside can open up doors to foot fungus problems, such as:

Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis)

Fungal Nails

Remember to protect your feet this spring by wearing proper foot wear and slowly easing yourself into your spring/summer workout routines.

Foot and Ankle Wellness Center - 780 488-4844 (Edmonton, AB, Canada)

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