
Welcome to "The Podiatry Blog"

This blog is run by the "Foot And Ankle Wellness Center" (A podiatry clinic in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). For information on our practice and what we do, please visit our website: Enjoy our posts!

Monday 9 May 2011

Cold Feet...In Summer?!?!

Even on the hottest days of summer, some people find themselves outside, under the scorching sun, walking around with cold feet. The cause of the cold sensation is a foot problem known as Raynaud's Disease.

Raynaud's Disease is a disorder that affects the hands and feet. It is caused by contraction of the smooth muscles controlling the small arteries supplying circulation into the hands and feet. This contraction, called a vasospasm, makes the arteries so small that they restrict blood flow.

How you can Raynaud's be fought, so your feet can feel warm again?

  • “Dry body brushing" may help increase circulation. Once a day, starting at the feet, rub the body with a washcloth in a circular motion up towards the heart; all body parts above the heart are rubbed downwards
  • If you live in a place with seasons, wear a scarf, gloves or mittens and a good pair of socks and boots at all times during the colder months. A hat is also very important since the body loses a lot of heat through the head. Wear layered clothing and a warm coat with long cuffs.
  • During the warmer months it is good to have a sweater handy as air conditioning can trigger an attack. If you are indoors, wear socks and lower the air conditioning at home; never walk around barefoot.
  • Avoid taking cold beverages with your hands, washing vegetables with cold water and taking food from the freezer without gloves
  • Don't smoke and avoid second-hand smoke as nicotine causes the skin temperature to drop
  • Exercise frequently to improve circulation
  • Learn relaxation techniques to reduce stress levels
  • Keep away from using anything that vibrates as vibration may trigger an attack
  • Do not engage in activities that put pressure on the fingertips (eg playing piano or guitar)
  • Take care of your hands and feet as skin may become very dry from reduced circulation. Hydrate your skin with a lotion containing lanolin and use a soft and creamy soap. Keep your cuticles soft and hydrated.
Foot and Ankle Wellness Center - 780 488-4844 (Edmonton, AB, Canada)

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1 comment:

  1. I had no idea there was a scientific explanation for this. My family always makes fun of me because my hands and feet are always cold. Now I'm wondering if I actually have this disease. I play the violin (which puts pressure on the fingertips), and it's always exceptionally bad after that. Maybe there are better socks and gloves I should be wearing. |
